Register Your Business

Mon - Thurs: 09:00 - 16:00
Fri 9:00 – 12:00 | Weekend Closed

5 Saxby Avenue West, Eldoraigne, Centurion, Pretoria

(012) 660 1822

Company Director Amendments (Add/Remove)

Director changes are changes whereby directors are added to or removed from a company.

In order to make the abovementioned changes, the following information and documents are required:

  • Company Documents
  • Current director(s)
  • Directors to be added/ removed
  • Certified ID copies of all directors (current, to be added and/or to be removed)
  • Notice of meeting (drafted by us and sent to customers for signage)
  • Minutes of meeting (drafted by us and sent to customers for signage)
  • Power of Attorney, to authorise us to carry out any changes on the customer’s behalf (drafted by us and sent to customers for signage)

This process takes 4-7 business days. However, If there is a delay from CIPC due to excessive workload, the process could take longer.

Once your application has been approved, you will receive the following updated documents:

  • Certificate of Director Amendments COR 39
  • A Notice of Incorporation COR 14.1
  • Confirmation of the initial directors appointed to the company COR 14.1A
  • Memorandum of incorporation (MOI) COR 15.1A
  • Share Certificates as required

Cost for Company Director Amendments: R 599.00

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