Apply For Tax Clearance Certificate Tax Clearance Certificate 1APPLICANT INFORMATION2UPLOAD DOCUMENTS3REVIEW UPLOADED DOCUMENTS4REVIEW COMPLETE APPLICATION5SUBMIT APPLICATION Application IDApplicant informationName and surname*E-mail address* Cell number*Company/CC Name*Company/CC Registration Number*Company Income Tax Number* Do you want to upload documents?* Yes No Documents Upload* Drop files here or Select files Accepted file types: jpg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, Max. file size: 2 MB, Max. files: 5. Allowed Formats: jpg, gif, pdf, doc, docx, xls, xlsx Max File Size of Each Document Should be 2MBMax Number of Files Allowed is 5Documents Required as Below:1. Company Documents2. Directors/Members Certified ID CopiesPlease note: If these files are too large to upload, please send it to, using your Company/ CC name as the subject. Do you want to review your uploaded documents?* Yes! I want to see my uploaded documents No, I don’t want to see my uploaded documents Click on below link to preview your uploaded documents {Image Format Upload:278} Do you want to review your application?* Yes! I want to review my application No, Its Fine Please Review Your Application As Below {all_fields} Submit ApplicationI confirm all information to be true and correct in all aspects and I agree to the registration terms and conditions. Yes No Tax Cearance CertificatePrice R0.00 Payment Method* EFT Credit / Debit Card Banking Details Bank:FNBAccount Name:Register Your BusinessAccount Number:627 1367 7493Branch Code:250 655 CommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.